Stronger & Clearer Eyesight with 10 Natural Ingredients
What is Vision 20?
You may have heard of ‘carotenoids.’ These vision-supporting nutrients can keep your eyesight strong, even as you age…[4]
In fact, Harvard Medical School ran a 26-year study, tracking 102,046 men & women. It was one of the largest medical studies in history!
They tracked the patients’ carotenoid intake, and measured their rate of age-related vision problems. Those who consumed the most carotenoids had 40% less risk for vision problems.[20]
Carotenoids like you find in red & orange vegetables have become one of the most popular vision-protecting nutrients.
But did you know, when you pair carotenoids with the mineral Zinc, it increases their absorption? Better absorption means stronger eyesight support.[5]
Vision 20® combines the top science-backed carotenoids with their absorption enhancer, Zinc, to create a one-of-a-kind vision-supporting supplement.
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